ビルボードからインスピレーションを得たコラージュLast Minute
(mixed media, 3500 x 1500 x 50 mm, 2022)は、「衝突」を象徴するような作品です。50年以上前の雑誌に文脈を置き去りにし、切り取られたリングに立つボクサーの写真は、情報を失い違和感を抱く存在。2.5次元プリントで印刷されることにより、粒子やノイズが強調され、視覚的に立体化。
I felt as if flashes of inspiration with no connection eventually overlapped, as if by chance.
Layers and layers of time and space intersected, leading me to a mysterious world.
Polarized time and materials are reborn through my intuition,
It appears as one imaginary world on the canvas at the whim of the moment.
It is as if everyday life, which is supposed to appear through me, creates a natural world regardless of my moods of depravity or elation. It is as if not through my own will.
The world that I perceive and emerge from, on the other hand, seems to revolve around me, keeping me anonymous.
Billboard-inspired collage Last Minute
(mixed media, 3500 x 1500 x 50 mm, 2022) is a symbolic “collision”: a photo of a boxer standing in a ring, cut out, leaving context behind in a magazine over 50 years old, a presence that is uninformative and uncomfortable. Printed in a 2.5D print, the particles and noise is emphasized and visually three-dimensional.
The billboards are fused with aluminum plates, tiles, and other materials of different textures on the screen and appear as “billboards,” which is a complete change from the billboards we see in our daily lives and gives them a sense of power that is not found in consistent and well-known designs.
In Yabiku's collages, where the theme of “collision” is at the root, the chemical reactions between different materials bring unexpected insights in the form of “afterthought.
Yabiku was responsible for the spatial composition of this exhibition, the production of the installation artwork, and assisted in the production of the artwork.
wood,concrete,tin,scaffolding.... . etc.
One day, I looked at the viaduct and noticed the aged deterioration and graffiti.
What caught my eye as beautiful in this world of technological development and complexity, and the quest for perfection, was the discomfort of raw reality.
The bourgeoisie walk down the boulevards, and the homeless hang out in the streets.
A discarded cigarette butt next to a “No skateboarding” sign.
In a world that tries to make sense of everything, these young people are powerless to do anything but live in the “now.
Their playground is the margins of discomfort in this town.
They appear as if they are a promise of the world.
I found beauty in the accidental distortion, the distortion that constantly, constantly, unintentionally, and naturally appears in the midst of finitude.
The main part of this exhibition is an installation work by FELSEM.
The installation work by FELSEM uses plaster walls, rusted tin, scaffolding materials used at construction sites, and other materials in a form reminiscent of a veranda, and expresses a fusion of Japanese culture and the street.
The work expresses a fusion of Japanese culture and the street.
wood,Silk screen
Yabiku Henrique Yudiと共に「ミニマル」と「ストリート」の融合をコンセプトに活動するクリエイティブチーム。
花器FOUR SIDESは2020年に新宿伊勢丹にて展示を行った。
FELSEM 2020 is a creative team that works with Yabiku Henrique Yudi on the concept of fusion of “minimalism” and “street”.
In the conventional street scene, art expression based on apparel is the mainstream,
<FELSEM takes a multifaceted approach to interior and space design, as well as apparel, to create a more diverse range of products.
FELSEM was established with the aim of bringing art to as many people as possible through a multifaceted approach.
The vase FOUR SIDES was exhibited at Isetan Shinjuku in 2020.
Wood,Cardbord,Styrofoam,Net,Hemp bag...etc
デザイナーの小塚信哉が手掛ける 「シンヤコヅカ (SHINYAKOZUKA)」 が
「Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO 2020 S/S」 で発表した 2020 年春夏コレクション。
テーマは 「ORDINARY LIFE (平凡な生活)」 で、 ヤンファミリー (JANFAMILY) の写真集からインスピレーションを得た。インスタレーション形式で発表され、 コラージュアーティストの Yabiku Henrique Yudi と TOTOKI SAKURA が製作した壁の前にラグを敷き、8 人のモデルが登場。 キッチンクロス、 ソファ、 クッションなど、
日常の生活をイメージする生地を使い、 ボンディング加工やパターンワークなどでアレンジを加えた。また、 2019 年秋冬コレクションに引き続き 「ディッキーズ (Dickies)」 とのコラボレーションアイテムを発表。
没個性と匿名性をキーワードに、 ワークシャツとパンツのセットアップを製作した。
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コラージュアーティストの Yabiku Henrique Yudi と初の共同製作。
W8m x H2.5m の巨大な白い壁の基礎ベースを製作し、様々なテクスチャーをカットしながらコラージュし、 彫刻作品のような迫力のある壁となった。また、 様々なホワイトカラーを使用することで統一感を出し、 服が引き立つ様にした。
Designer Shinya Kozuka's SHINYAKOZUKA brand presented its Spring/Summer 2020 collection at the “Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO 2020 S/S.” The collection was presented at the “Rakuten Fashion Week TOKYO 2020 S/S” in Tokyo.
The theme of the Spring/Summer 2020 collection was “ORDINARY LIFE”.
The theme was “ORDINARY LIFE”, inspired by JANFAMILY's photo books. The collection was presented in the form of an installation, with eight models appearing on a rug in front of a wall created by collage artists Yabiku Henrique Yudi and TOTOKI SAKURA. Kitchen cloths, sofas, cushions, and more,
The fabrics were inspired by everyday life, and were arranged with bonding and pattern work. In addition, the brand continued its collaboration with “Dickies” for the 2019 Fall-Winter collection.
With the keywords of “subconsciousness” and “anonymity,” the brand produced a work shirt and pants set-up.
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First collaboration with collage artist Yabiku Henrique Yudi.
The base of a huge white wall (W8m x H2.5m) was created, and various textures were cut and collaged to create a powerful wall that resembles a sculpture. Various white colors were used to create a sense of unity and to accentuate the clothes.